Active Campaigns
Everyday Excellence: The Annual Fund at Worcester Academy
Everyday Excellence allows Worcester Academy to deliver an unmatched education that celebrates diversity, fosters exploration, and nurtures creativity. Gifts of all sizes are impactful, the annual fund guarantees that students are provided with opportunities, resources, and essential needs for...
Everyday Excellence
Everyday Excellence provides the resources for Worcester Academy to offer an unparalleled educational experience that champions diversity, exploration, and creativity. Contributions of every size in support of Everyday Excellence make a difference and help to ensure that students have the very...
Completed Campaigns
Everyday Excellence
We invite you to join us as we celebrate Everyday Excellence at Worcester Academy. Make your gift today in honor of your experience. You can also make a gift in honor of a special teacher or coach, or another member of the WA staff. Designate your gift to areas of passion, such as Academics...
Founders Day 2023
Celebrating the founding of Worcester Academy 189 years ago in 1834, Founders Day offers a chance for the community to give back, say thank you, and support a truly incredible school that has inspired us all to Achieve The Honorable. Happy Birthday, Worcester Academy! Designate your gift to areas...