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Worcester Academy

Worcester, MA

Founders Day 2023

Thank you for your resounding support this Founders Day! For further gifts, please visit https://www.worcesteracademy.org/support-wa/give-now

Alex García, Advancement Associate

Share why you support Worcester Academy!

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Kathy Arias (Alumni ’04)

2 years ago

In honor of James R. McKeon & Edward P. McKeon (Veterans)
James P. McKeon (Grandpa Jim) - WWII Edward P. McKeon (Uncle Neddy) - WWII + Korean War
Chad Tew

2 years ago

In honor of Lucy AJ Tew
With gratitude to WA for providing a community where my daughter is flourishing.
Thomas Meyer (Alumni ’85)

2 years ago

In honor of All 80's classes and Military Alumni
Dana Breen

2 years ago

Very happy to be part of this dynamic, friendly and busy school! GO WA!
Anabella De Jesus (Alumni ’23)

2 years ago

In honor of The cast and crew of Mamma Mia!
Thank you all, you were all so wonderful :)
Tongda Lou (Alumni ’23)

2 years ago

Let's go!
Grace Anderson (Alumni ’23)

2 years ago

In memory of Wei Huang
Yuhang Wu (Alumni ’23)

2 years ago

Thank you!
Michael LeVangie (Alumni ’07)

2 years ago

I loved my time at the school 2002-2007!
Kim Kastler (Faculty/Staff)

2 years ago

In memory of Arlene Kastler
Arlene was the Grandparent of Anna Bacchiocchi (2005) and Colin Bacchiocchi (2012), participating in Grandparents Day for all of the 14 years they attended WA.
Nicholas Nebelung (Alumni ’24)

2 years ago

In memory of Peter Pietluck, US Army WWII

2 years ago

Have a great year!!
Shawn Kahawai (Parent ’23)

2 years ago

Thank you WA!
Esther Mann (Alumni ’11)

2 years ago

In honor of Dr. Francine Smith
In memory of Dr. Francine Smith
Scott Lainer (Alumni ’83)

2 years ago

In honor of Therese B. Lainer
Worcester Academy helped turn my life around. And I am forever grateful.
Ruth Sweeney

2 years ago

In honor of Dr. Sonia Glazer
Congratulations, WA! Keep up your great work educating and inspiring your students!
Aidan Busconi (Alumni ’20)

2 years ago

In memory of Paul J. Vaillancourt
Josh Horowitz (Alumni ’77)

2 years ago

WA changed my life. And it is still fulfilling that mission for more generations of students. Happy Founders Day!
Jody Abzug

2 years ago

In honor of Jordana Irzyk
Zhenguang Gao (Parent ’19, ’24)

2 years ago

Happy Founders Day WA!
Edward Fallon

2 years ago

In honor of Eric Nottingham
Eleanor DiFranco (Student ’27)

2 years ago

Happy Founders Day WA!
Bobby DiFranco (Student ’25)

2 years ago

Congrats on hitting 500 donors!
Ella Budzinski (Student ’25)

2 years ago

I Love WA!!
Chenghao Xu (Student ’27)

2 years ago

Keep up the great!
Cayla DiRoberto (Alumni ’08)

2 years ago

In honor of Lynne DiRoberto
Joseph Younge (Alumni ’11)

2 years ago

Achieve the honorable
James Novakowski (Alumni ’05)

2 years ago

It was a lovely place to go to school, and I'm happy to have the fundraising get the bonus dollars.
Lynne Welsh (Parent ’10)

2 years ago

Excellent education
Rick Scott (Alumni ’12)

2 years ago

In honor of Lt. Col. Meyer, thank you for the match, sir, and thank you for the inspiration to serve!
Teju Richardson (Parent ’25)

2 years ago

In honor of Téa Richardson Ojeda
Alex García (Faculty/Staff)

2 years ago

In honor of Thirds Basketball Team
LUCY TEW (Faculty/Staff)

2 years ago

In honor of The Company (Students & Adults) of Mamma Mia! 2023
You make me believe in fairytales. Special commendations for the seniors who worked this show - CREW: Grace Anderson, Olivia Preston, & Jimmy Wen; CAST: Anabella De Jesus, Kate Gagnon, Allison Hurd, Mila Kaul, Emma Nelson, & Yuhang Wu; ORCHESTRA: Brian Jiang, Tony Jung, Stevenson Li, Alex Zhang, & Ulia Zhou. Even more special commendations for the adults involved: Julianne McGourty, Dave Plante, Brittany Plante, Don Irving, & Maureen Lawler. This never would have come to be without your work.
Corey and TaNoah Morgan (Parent ’24)

2 years ago

Worcester Academy is a community that cares!
Sheila Sam (Parent ’26)

2 years ago

Keep up the good work
Suzanne Weekes (Parent ’22, ’25)

2 years ago

In honor of the memory of Cedric Weekes
Euclid Jorda (Parent ’24)

2 years ago

Thank you WA!
xian zhang (Parent ’25)

2 years ago

Bless the children here!
Courtney Duffy (Alumni ’08)

2 years ago

In honor of Kate Duffy P’08, 18
Darryn Unfricht (Parent ’26)

2 years ago

Continue to be a great educational opportunity for my family
Kayzie Salmon (Alumni ’24)

2 years ago

Thank you, WA!
Matthew Adiletta (Alumni ’17)

2 years ago

In memory of Mr. Woodruff
Sam Thoreen (Alumni ’18)

2 years ago

Thank you to all the faculty, staff, and administrators who provide incredible learning experiences in and outside of the classroom, on and off the field, and everywhere in-between.

2 years ago

In honor of Jamie Sullivan, Dan Sullivan, Mike Adu
ziad el-nemr (Parent ’25, ’28)

2 years ago

In honor of Clara el-nemr
shannon Power (Parent ’23)

2 years ago

In honor of NANCY OSBORN
Nancy Osborn has been a beacon to my family for many years in helping us navigate "all the things" at Worcester Academy to make our experiences here to be both meaningful and successful. I can only imagine how many lives she has impacted over her 24 years of service to this community , but I can tell you that we are profoundly grateful for her support. Nancy Osborn is a true gem and embodies all that Worcester Academy is about. Thank you, Nancy, for all that you do
Rachel Marchetti (Parent ’23)

2 years ago

In honor of The class of 2023
Wishing the class of 2023 an amazing 99 more days to graduation!
Eleanora Winston (Alumni ’21)

2 years ago

In honor of Kris Geenty
Christine Nichols

2 years ago

In memory of Paul Skerry
Andrew Adiletta (Alumni ’19)

2 years ago

In honor of all the teachers and students of Worcester Academy
Matthew Adiletta (Parent ’19, ’21, ’23)

2 years ago

In honor of Mr. Woodruff
Trisha Pitts (Parent ’23)

2 years ago

In honor of Class of 2023
Worcester Academy has been a wonderful, supportive, and caring learning environment for our son. We truly appreciate all the wonderful staff members who’ve helped our son on his journey!
Mila Kaul (Alumni ’23)

2 years ago

In honor of Renee Coutinho
Kelly Bubello (Faculty/Staff)

2 years ago

In honor of Bubello advisory
Nakul Ramesh (Alumni ’23)

2 years ago

Shoutout Mr. Garcia
Thomas Mangaudis (Alumni ’14, Faculty/Staff)

2 years ago

I love this school. Thank you for everything.
Anonymous (Parent ’23)

2 years ago

So grateful to Coach Jamie Sullivan, Coach Dan and Coach Adu for all their work with the basketball team. It has been an amazing experience for our son to play on Rowe court and enjoy all the benefits of your experience and leadership. We appreciate you looking after both the logistics like driving all over New England and the substantive like winning the NEPSAC AA 2021-2022. We are also grateful to the kitchen staff and head chef who make great food day after day, to Mrs. Carter in the mail room and the gardeners who make the grounds of WA such a beautiful environment.
Anonymous (Parent ’28)

2 years ago

Our son has really expanded his vision of the world at WA. Thank you!
Anonymous (Parent ’25)

2 years ago

keep up the good work!
Judy stien (Parent ’98, ’24)

2 years ago

In honor of Peggy Brooks
Jennifer Quinn (Alumni ’87)

2 years ago

I'm so grateful for my time as a Hilltopper, and I'm proud to support WA today! Achieve the Honorable!
Cheryl & Tim Roy (Parent ’17, ’23)

2 years ago

Thank you!
Moira Mullaney (Alumni ’16, Faculty/Staff)

2 years ago

In honor of Girls Hockey
Nancy Osborn (Faculty/Staff)

2 years ago

In honor of The Admission Team!
Suzie and Jim Nebelung (Parent ’22, ’24, Faculty/Staff)

2 years ago

Happy Birthday Worcester Academy!
Kristina Geenty (Alumni ’81, Faculty/Staff)

2 years ago

In honor of Robert and Janet Macko
Keep up the great work going on at WA!
Marnie Kut (Faculty/Staff)

2 years ago

In honor of The WA community.
Fanrong zeng (Parent ’23)

2 years ago

The Worcester Academy is excellent and deserves my support.
Jas & Meeta Gill (Parent ’25)

2 years ago

In honor of The amazing faculty and staff that make the performing arts so special at WA
SHANNON POWER (Parent ’23)

2 years ago

In honor of Coach Jamie Sullivan
The Worcester Academy experience has been one of the most impactful, memorable and valuable experiences of both our children's lives. The Academics and Athletics speak for themselves, but more importantly, it is the people who make this such a special place. From the Headmaster ans his wife who have adopted every one of these students as their own and make them feel genuinely valued, to the teachers, coaches, support staff, trainers, maintenance crew and security guards. EVERY SINGLE PERSON is valued in such an authentic way. We are so grateful for the impact that this community has had on our family and will be forever proud to be a part of such a special place. Thank you Worcester Academy
Anonymous (Parent ’25)

2 years ago

Happy 189th birthday to WA
Stephanie A Peters

2 years ago

In memory of Neil W. Peters III
Tom Holland (Alumni ’61)

2 years ago

Great school, wonderful experience...
Linda Cahill (Parent ’48)

2 years ago

In honor of William A Cahill
Kristyne Darling (Parent ’25, ’26)

2 years ago

In honor of Peyton Darling
Congratulations on your success on the stage & in the classroom! We love you!
William Radner (Alumni ’68)

2 years ago

In memory of Dutch Rader
Janine Luke

2 years ago

In memory of Sheldon Sherer
Cynthia Guerard (Parent ’26, Faculty/Staff)

2 years ago

To the cast and crew, congratulations! A special thanks to those adults without whom the show could not go on. Your hard work and dedication is much appreciated! Finally to Zoë, we love you and couldn’t be more proud!
Elizabeth Cotten (Parent ’91)

2 years ago

In memory of William Treese
Jason Gerum (Faculty/Staff)

2 years ago

In memory of Denise Mary Gerum
My mother was an excellent and active lifelong musician. It brings joy to my family sharing in memory of her passion for children and the performing arts.
James Ciociolo (Alumni ’04)

2 years ago

Positive experience and want others to have same opportunity.
Mark Lufkin

2 years ago

In honor of Neil Isaacson, Alex Garcia, Suzie Nebelung and Samuel Sadowsky
Amy Herlihy (Parent ’26, Faculty/Staff)

2 years ago

In honor of Don Irving, Maureen Lawler, Juli McGourty, David Plante and Lucy Tew
Congratulations to the cast and crew of Mamma Mia!, especially to Bryan Herlihy as Sky! Special thanks to Don Irving, Maureen Lawler, Juli McGourty, David Plante and Lucy Tew for all their hard work and support of the students in the show!
Kirk Upton (Faculty/Staff)

2 years ago

In honor of The Upton Advisory 2020-2023
I support WA because I'm proud of all that Tre, Ethan, Alisa, Shirley, Luis, Max, and Jack have accomplished during their time on the Hilltop!
James Mili (Faculty/Staff)

2 years ago

In honor of Pam Lefferts
Melissa Ciociolo (Alumni ’08, Faculty/Staff)

2 years ago

In honor of Donald Irving
James Marlas and Union Capital Corporation

2 years ago

In honor of Shelly Scherer
This gift is in memory of Shelly Scherer with whom we worked for years!
Heather and Sean Rhatigan

2 years ago

In honor of Mr. R. Sheldon Scherer
David Miller (Alumni ’69)

2 years ago

Over 50 years since I graduated and the positive impact of my experience still resonates to this day
SHANNON POWER (Parent ’23)

2 years ago

Jonathan Baker (Faculty/Staff)

2 years ago

Go Hilltoppers!
KARA OCONNELL (Alumni ’94, Parent ’23)

2 years ago

Thank you so much! Go teams!
Parents of Mamma Mia! Cast & Crew (Parent ’23, ’24, ’25, ’26)

2 years ago

In honor of Don Irving, Maureen Lawler, Juli McGourty, David Plante and Lucy Tew
We are so proud of the cast and crew of Mamma Mia! rising to face any challenge and putting on four amazing performances. We are so thankful for the adults who supported our children in this process. Our children have grown so much as a result of your dedication and guidance. Thank you Don Irving, Maureen Lawler, Juli McGourty, David Plante and Lucy Tew!
Ursula Arello (Alumni ’85)

2 years ago

In memory of Jim Wells '61
In memory of Jim Wells '61. Go Hilltoppers!
Thomas Meyer (Alumni ’85)

2 years ago

In honor of military alumni
Pilar Holik (Faculty/Staff)

2 years ago

In honor of Efraín and Elvia Rodríguez
In memory of Efraín y Elvia Rodríguez
WA has been home for almost 4 years. My students are the best and I know some of them need a little of economic help. My mother and father did a lot pro-bono during their lives. I want to give them some credit for what they did. They believe that quality education is one of the most important things to maintain a healthy society.
Luman Zhang (Alumni ’23)

2 years ago

I would like to see just how good the chipotle really is
Anonymous (Alumni ’23)

2 years ago

In honor of Sumner
Tim Adams (Alumni ’89)

2 years ago

Great School and Fantastic people!!
Beth Leavitt (Alumni ’87)

2 years ago

I grew up on campus - both my parents worked there. I have so many memories as a child but more as a lifer!
Mikey Ciociolo

2 years ago

In honor of Melissa Ciociolo ‘08
Madeline Surgenor Richards (Faculty/Staff)

2 years ago

Proud of the work by our community every day to make WA the special place it is!
Peter Hughes (Faculty/Staff)

2 years ago

Quality education, caring community, growth mindset continue at WA in amid the challenges and uncertainty of the modern world.
Angie & Scott Johnson (Parent ’23)

2 years ago

For shaping our youth in a positive atmosphere.
Stephen Bek (Alumni ’73)

2 years ago

Way to go W.A. !!!!
Robert C Hartson, Jr. (Alumni ’63)

2 years ago

In memory of A.G. “Jerry” Hartson ‘65
Peter Hamilton (Alumni ’93)

2 years ago

In memory of Bill Treese
Bill Treese, my junior year English teacher, saw something in me. He was patient, held me accountable, and taught me to appreciate the English language. He was an interesting man with rich life experiences, possessed good humor, and was of high integrity. He saw something in me when I did not. For that, I shall be forever grateful.
Heather Reiter (Parent ’25)

2 years ago

In honor of Donald Irving
It is difficult to image WA without Mr. Irving, he will be missed!
Karin Houghton (Alumni ’80)

2 years ago

In honor of Howard Borggaard
Chuck Vassallo (Alumni ’77)

2 years ago

In memory of Dorothy and Harold G. Rader
I remain deeply grateful to WA for all that it has given me. Congratulations on the success of today's Founder's Day!
Elizabeth Bowles (Faculty/Staff)

2 years ago

In honor of Don Irving
In honor of Don Irving - Your work at WA has enriched my life!
Peter Cronin (Alumni ’80)

2 years ago

Best wishes for much continued success!
Terrie Urbanowski (Grandparent ’23)

2 years ago

Congratulations on 189 years!! Keep up your great work !
John Mackenzie

2 years ago

In honor of all faculty and staff efforts to Achieve the Honorable.
Joseph Budzinski (Student ’25)

2 years ago

I Love WA
Peter Reynolds (Parent ’25)

2 years ago

Michael Shannon (Alumni ’73)

2 years ago

In honor of William Samko
Doc Sam was like a second father to me while I was a student and beyond. He and my dad were great friends!! This is a great opportunity to give!
Justin Martino (Alumni ’11)

2 years ago

Keep it going!
elizabeth Little (Parent ’28, ’29)

2 years ago

In honor of Foster and Molly Little
Liz FitzGerald (Parent ’25)

2 years ago

Thanks WA and the great teachers!
Kevin Snyder (Faculty/Staff)

2 years ago

In honor of The Snyder Advisory and WA Girls Tennis
Courtney Mili (Alumni ’18)

2 years ago

In honor of Trainer Paul Vaillancourt
Michaela Fischer

2 years ago

In honor of Alex García and all his amazing work on this campaign ❤️
Maureen Gould (Grandparent ’25)

2 years ago

In honor of Emma DeRoche
Arthur Hennessey (Parent ’20)

2 years ago

In honor of Carol Hennessey
Leslie Harrold (Parent ’20, ’25)

2 years ago

In honor of Jennifer Griffith
Jen is simply amazing. She works tirelessly on behalf of students.
Katy & Kit Hughes (Parent ’26, ’28, ’29)

2 years ago

To the WA teachers, coaches, administrators and staff who help to provide an exceptional learning experience - thank you!
Canaan Severin (Alumni ’12)

2 years ago

Keep it going!!
Anonymous (Parent ’23)

2 years ago

Thanks to everyone who gave supports to my son during his wonderful and impressive study at Worcester Academy in the last 4years!
Allen Hurd (Alumni ’60)

2 years ago

In honor of the class of 1960
Colleen Rooney (Alumni ’15)

2 years ago

In honor of Robert Rooney, US Army (WWII)
Thank you for doubling donations that honor veterans!
Austin Salmon (Alumni ’22)

2 years ago

Good memories at WA.
Kim Salmon (Parent ’22, ’24)

2 years ago

Cheers to 189 years!
Lin Gong (Parent ’24)

2 years ago

Keep up the good work
Dina Nichols (Parent ’13, ’15)

2 years ago

Keep ‘Achieving the Honorable’!

2 years ago

In honor of Elizabeth Bowles
James Lockman (Alumni ’85, Faculty/Staff)

2 years ago

In memory of Sonia Glazer, who taught me reverse titration and how to throw a great cast party
Rachel Marchetti (Parent ’23)

2 years ago

In honor of William Chiappetta
Donating in honor of my father, William Chiappetta, US Navy Seabee.
Suzanne Nebelung (Parent ’22, ’24, Faculty/Staff)

2 years ago

In memory of MSgt. Eugene Nebelung, USMC
Thank you Tom Meyer for helping us to honor those who have served!
Marvin Brown

2 years ago

In memory of Sheldon Scherer
Jay Valley (Alumni ’83)

2 years ago

In honor of Donald Bloom
A superior school. Teachers, coaches, and classmates made impressions lasting a lifetime.
Jack Adiletta (Alumni ’21)

2 years ago

In honor of the teachers and students of Worcester Academy
Kristina Geenty (Alumni ’81, Parent ’14, ’16, Faculty/Staff)

2 years ago

In honor of Capt John C Geenty, III US Army
Kathy Phipps (Alumni ’84)

2 years ago

In honor of My mom and the dedicated WA teachers who were there for me when she passed in my Junior year.
Neil Isakson (Parent ’15, ’19, Faculty/Staff)

2 years ago

In honor of Suzie Nebelung
connor fitzgerald (Alumni ’23)

2 years ago

dope sports
Shivaan Sharma (Alumni ’23)

2 years ago

Awesome Stuff School
kevin breen (Faculty/Staff)

2 years ago

With gratitude for all the families and alumni who continue to support our wonderful school.
Peter & Robin Reynolds (Parent ’19, ’21, ’25)

2 years ago

Theater program is the best!
Tamara Mount (Parent ’23)

2 years ago

WA has been a wonderful place for my son to learn and grow into a spectacular young man!
Marco DiPlacido (Student ’25)

2 years ago

I am a firm believer that Athletics is a big part of a students life. WA has supported me as both an athlete and a student.
Joan Fritz

2 years ago

In memory of Sheldon Scherer
From the Fritz Family
Jefferson Upton (Alumni ’24)

2 years ago

The theatre program is the best. It’s one of the great joys of being at WA.
Michael Coady (Alumni ’89)

2 years ago

In honor of Edward Coady, Jr
Renee Malowitz (Faculty/Staff)

2 years ago

In memory of Debra Haring
Steven & Kelley Small (Parent ’05, ’11)

2 years ago

In honor of Linda Anderson
Seth Welcom (Parent ’24)

2 years ago

Thank you WA !
charles + eileen glassmire (Faculty/Staff)

2 years ago

glad to help...we both have fond memories of teaching at WA...best
Abigail Borchelt (Alumni ’11)

2 years ago

In honor of Linda Anderson
Kevin Zifcak (Parent ’24, ’26, Faculty/Staff)

2 years ago

In honor of Linda Anderson
You are such a wonderful person!
Erica and Anderson Ribeiro (Parent ’20, ’24)

2 years ago

In honor of Kevin Snyder, Coach Marino-Nagle, Yuming Lu, Dr. Juliette Dunn.
Thank you for all you do for Hannah's WA experience!
BIN WANG (Parent ’25)

2 years ago

Happy 189th birthday to WA
Jason Port

2 years ago

Go Hilltoppers!
Peter Mone Sr (Alumni ’58)

2 years ago

In memory of Michael Mone
Anonymous (Parent ’29)

2 years ago

In memory of Robert going
Bobby would be so proud of all you have accomplished!
Michael Darling (Parent ’25, ’26)

2 years ago

In honor of Marissa Darling
We are so proud of your achievements in the classroom & on the court! We love you Marissa!
Patricia Halpin (Alumni ’85)

2 years ago

In memory of Mercedeh Mirkazemi Ward
William Becker (Alumni ’65)

2 years ago

In memory of Hamlin Jennings '65
Carole Dorris

2 years ago

In memory of Sonia Glazer
Scott Baton

2 years ago

In memory of William Treese
William Littleton (Alumni ’73)

2 years ago

In memory of William Treese

2 years ago

In honor of Samuel Sadowsky
Chris and Julie Hurd (Parent ’23)

2 years ago

To everyone involved in Performing Arts, thank you for everything you do!!
Family of Emma DeRoche (Parent ’25)

2 years ago

We are so grateful to all of the faculty and staff in the WA Performing Arts program for all of the love and support they show the students, and for helping Emma to explore her passion for performing arts!
AJ Scola (Alumni ’04)

2 years ago

For all of the coaches, dorm parents, and teachers who instilled WA values in me
Terry and Juliana Gilheany

2 years ago

In honor of Sheldon Scherer
Jennifer DiFranco (Parent ’25, ’27, Faculty/Staff)

2 years ago

In honor of the A-Team! Looking forward to my first Founders Day!
Samuel Sadowsky (Faculty/Staff)

2 years ago

In memory of Stan Kaufman, Marine Corps
Darcy A Cook (Parent ’25)

2 years ago

In honor of Kara Krantz
We are making this donation in celebratino of the 189 Brithday of WA in honor of Ms. Kara Krantz who was provided my son Matthew with new vision, personal challenges and opportunities to explore and develop new skills and talents under her leadership and direction. We appreciate you. The Cook Family
Amy Driscoll (Parent ’24)

2 years ago

In honor of Riley Dtiscoll, 2024
We are so proud of all the work you have done at WA!
Courtney Duffy (Alumni ’08)

2 years ago

In memory of Kate Duffy P’08, P’18
JAMES REITER (Parent ’25)

2 years ago

We support Worcester Academy's mission.
Susan Sullivan (Faculty/Staff)

2 years ago

GO Hilltoppers!!!

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