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Worcester Academy

Worcester, MA

Everyday Excellence

The Annual Fund For Worcester Academy

Give now
Melissa Ciociolo '08, Assistant Director of Advancement

Who can assist me with making a gift?


Please contact our Development Associate, Katy Hughes, at kathrine.hughes@worcesteracademy.org or 508-754-5302 x119


Can I give to a specific program or area of Worcester Academy that I care about?


Yes. You can choose the area of the school that you’re passionate about supporting:

  • Area of Greatest Need Gifts Allows Worcester Academy’s administration to use your contribution where it is most vitally needed.

  • Academics & Faculty Your support aids in attracting and retaining exceptional educators. Contributions afford them opportunities for continuous professional development, enriching the learning journey for all students.

  • Athletics Your donation will bolster our coaching staff, provide equipment, cover transportation expenses, and maintain our athletic facilities and fields.

  • DEIB: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging Join us in advancing ongoing and expanded institutional efforts to promote inclusion, combat racism, and amplify advocacy for racial justice.

  • Financial Aid Your support furthers our commitment to welcoming bright, driven students who may need financial support. These contributions enable us to extend financial assistance to deserving families, ensuring access to our educational community.

  • Visual & Performing Arts The Arts are an integral aspect of life on the Hilltop, and your support allows every student, from Middle School through Upper School, to discover and participate in theater, visual arts, and music.


When should I make my gift?


Our fiscal years runs from July 1 – June 30. The Annual Fund is part of our annual operating budget and donations are immediately accessible, giving early maximizes our ability to continue providing the best education and resources for all students, faculty, and staff.


Is my donation to Worcester Academy tax deductible?


Yes. Worcester Academy is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and, as such, your donation is tax deductible.


Can I split my gift to various designations?


Yes. On the Give Now page, you can split your gift accordingly.


Can I make my gift by check or money order?


Yes. Send a check or money order made payable to Worcester Academy to: Worcester Academy Annual Fund 81 Providence Street Worcester, MA 01604


Can I make Gifts of Stock or Wire Transfer?


Yes. Please contact our Development Associate, Katy Hughes, at kathrine.hughes@worcesteracademy.org or 508-754-5302 x119

Giving options

Everyday Excellence
Worcester Academy logo
Worcester Academy
81 Providence St, Worcester, MA 01604
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